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5 reasons your diet regime may not be working

You’ve been good: you cut out the chocolate, you quit drinking soda at lunchtime, and you haven’t eaten a pizza for weeks, but still when you step onto your bathroom scales, that dial stays stubbornly where it was the week before.

Dieting can be so frustrating when you don’t see any results and you could be thinking of giving up altogether.

But there may be some thing you do unknowingly that may just jeopardize your dieting regime.

Listed below are five reasons may not be working as expected.

1. You’ve cut back on food too much: Believe it or not, the reason that you are not losing weight could be because you are not eating enough! It’s what you eat, as much as how much you eat, that counts and, if you are not eating enough, your body thinks you are in a famine and slows your metabolism, so that it can hold on to those fat reserves that you do have.

2. You are skipping meals: Skipping meals altogether won’t help you lose weight either. You might think that you will eat less by skipping lunch, but this will trigger another natural reaction in your body. This time, your body will think that food is scarce, so it will make you eat even more when you do sit down to your next meal. The next effect will be that you will eat more overall, than you would have done had you eaten lunch.

3. Your diet is too restrictive: It’s also much better to cut down, rather than cut out. If you go for a drastic no sugar diet, for example, you are likely to get sugar cravings and give in to them at some point. You are also quite likely to overcompensate for the lack of sugar by overeating something else that you enjoy. Try cutting down portion sizes instead; it’s much easier than cutting something out altogether.

4. You are not getting enough exercise: If you are trying to lose weight through your diet alone, then this is unlikely to work. You will probably lose weight at first, but then your body will get used to the reduced calories, so your weight loss will tail off

5. You are not drinking enough water: Water is not a magical way of making you lose weight, but if you are not drinking enough, you could be mistaking thirst for hunger and eating more than you need to.

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